10 Life Lessons From A 22-Year-Old
I just turned 22 years old. I have learnt some life lessons in my 22 years of existence. Now, these are things I have learned from experiences, making mistakes myself, reading books, and my family and friends.
Here are 10 Lessons from 22 years of my life.
1. Be More Grateful!
We often do not realise how good our lives are. The chances of being a human are astonishingly small — 400 Trillion to 1. You are more likely to win the lottery five times in your life than to have one. I recently wrote a blog about how Gratitude is the key to a happier life.
2. Complain Less!
Related to the previous point. Stop complaining about things that you do not have. Start looking at what you do have. Stop taking things for granted, and stop complaining. When you complain, you are telling yourself what you lack and that you are not complete.
3. Take Accountability.
Anything that happens to you in your life is one hundred per cent your responsibility. It may not be your fault, but it is always your responsibility. With great responsibility comes great power. When you realise that you have the power to make choices and change your life for the better, everything changes.
4. Life is about the Little Things.
When we think about life, we often think of significant events like graduation, college, marriage etc. But most of life is about the little things. Drinking coffee, having good food, listening to a song or reading a good blog. These things are mundane, but these are the things which give day-to-day life meaning and purpose.
5. Don’t Let Society Define your Success.
You define your own success. Don’t let society define the standards and metrics of your success. Your happiness and self-worth are not based on other people. You do not need other people’s validation to make yourself happy.
6. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others.
Life is not a zero-sum game. Someone else’s happiness does not take away from your own. Everyone does things according to their own pace and will. Please do not compare your day 2 with their day 100.
7. Health is Wealth!
You can only think of achieving things with good physical or mental health. A healthy mind stays in a healthy body. Take care of your body. You only get one in your life. It is the most precious thing you own! You feel much more confident with yourself when you are physically and mentally healthy.
8. Sleep is a Superpower!
You can only expect to function fully if you are relaxed and well-rested. Sleep is a superpower which allows you to perform the rest of the day. If you get 7–8 hours of good quality sleep every night, 50% of your life is set.
9. The Cosmic Perspective!
I will like to give credit to Dr Neil Degrasse Tyson for this. We will live our whole lives on a tiny rock called Earth. Earth is part of one of the billion Solar Systems, which is part of the billion Galaxies, which are part of the ever-expanding Universe. We are a speck in the cosmos.
10. Happiness is a Journey, NOT a Destination.
You do not find happiness just lying around after you make enough money to buy a house. Happiness comes from solving problems. The key word here is solving. Therefore, happiness is not a destination but a form of action.
These are the 10 life lessons I learnt in my 22 years of existence.
I have a very long time ahead in my life. I will continue to make mistakes, have new experiences, learn new things and improve my life. Everyone should do this exercise every year on their birthday. It gives time to reflect and get perspective on life.
I hope you learnt something from this blog.
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I am a freelance content writer, blogger and graphic designer. Email me at: hnambiar200@gmail.com for work.
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