How and Why I Did 1000+ Questions on Leetcode
I also had a 229-day streak.
Leetcode Profile Link: hari19041
So, I started this year having done 499 questions, ~370 easy, ~120 medium and a few hard questions. At the beginning of the year, I had no internship offer or coding skills.
I had wasted last year (well, not wasted) but not focused on college or placements/internships. Focusing on other skills like writing, music etc. Our college has a good campus placement for internships. I barely cracked one online test. Even then just blew the Interview.
Enough was Enough!
I decided that something had to chan e. Otherwise, I won’t get a good placement. My plan was simple, show up and do ‘something’. Just show up and do at least 1 question every day. I planned to give weekly and biweekly contests on Leetcode.
I struggled with graphs, dynamic programming, tree and other related problems. I only knew a few topics given on the site. I planned on learning these topics and solving problems related to them.
Do not underestimate the power of showing up and doing ‘something‘. I often sat at my laptop and told myself to open the website and solve just one problem. Then I would start understanding it…