I love Chess
Chess is a Sport.
Chess is one of the world’s most popular and oldest games. But Is Chess a Sport?
Chess is a strategic board game between two players. The two players battle over sixty-four squares, making moves using their various pieces and trying to checkmate the other person’s king. It is a highly complicated game. It takes a lot of mental power to play.
The number of people interested in Chess has grown exponentially over the last two years due to the lockdown and the runaway success of the Netflix Mini Series, The Queen’s Gambit.
Many people still don’t consider Chess a sport.
Yes! Chess is a sport. Here are some reasons why Chess is a sport:
What is a Sport?
Sport is any form of competitive physical activity or game that aims to use, maintain, or improve physical ability and skills. It should provide enjoyment to participants and, in some cases, entertainment to spectators.
Chess is competitive!
Yes! Chess is a competition between two players competing over the board, trying to outdo and outsmart each other.
Chess is a physical sport!
Now you might think that Chess is purely a mental sport. Chess only requires more than just the mind to play. First of all, you need to, in most cases, need to move the pieces around physically. Chess games, at the highest level, can last for more than 4–5 hours, and some even last upwards of 9+ hours. Concentrating on the game for that long takes a lot of physical strength. Your brain consumes 20% of the energy you consume. So, Chess is a physical sport.
Chess is Fun!
Anyone who has played the game can affirm that it is fun. People enjoy learning new concepts, tricks and tactics in Chess. Whether it is solving a Chess puzzle, beating your opponent, or calculating ahead a sequence of moves, it is a delightful and fun game.
Chess is Entertaining!
People who understand and enjoy Chess love to watch and analyse and try to learn from the games of top-level grandmasters. Watching top-level players’ games is entertaining, especially with faster formats like Rapid(15 mins each), Blitz(5 mins each) or Bullet(1 min each) Chess.
Chess is recognised as a Sport.
The International Olympic Committee recognises Chess as a sport. An International Chess Olympiad is held every two years, in which almost 186 countries participate. A World Chess Championship Match is held every two years, which decides the world chess champion. Multiple chess tournaments happen around the globe throughout the year.
Chess is more than just a game. It’s an Art.
I love Chess. I have been playing Chess ever since I was a little child. Chess has always been a sport to me and always will be.
I am active on Lichess. If you wish to play a match with me. Hit me with a challenge, and I will reply if I’m online.
Lichess Profile: https://lichess.org/@/Hari2019041
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